2023 NanoFlorida International Conference
hosted by:
University of Central Florida
March 3 - 5, 2023
Student Coordinators
Ji Chang
Conference Chair
Swadeshmukul Santra, PhD
On behalf of the NanoFlorida organizing committee we would like to thank you for your participation in the 15th annual NanoFlorida on March 3rd - 5th , 2023 at UCF in Orlando, Florida. We hope that you found the conference informative and worthwhile. Photos from the event will be available next week at our NanoFlorida website which can be accessed through our linktree: (https://linktr.ee/nanoflorida23)
We had over 210 registered participants including 32 oral presentations and 108 poster presentations from schools throughout Florida. Over $2000 in awards were handed out for best oral and poster presentations by graduate and undergraduate students. We received much positive feedback from attendees. Topics of presentations were very diverse at this year’s symposium, with a focus on nanomaterials, nanochemistry, nanobiotechnology, theoretical and computation nanotechnology, nanophysics, nanophotonics, nano-optics, nanoelectronics, nanomanufacturing, nanomechanics and agricultural and environmental applications of nanomaterials. Our keynote presentation by Dr. Jagdish Narayan, of North Carolina State University, helped put an emphasis on the growing field of nanoscience and future applications.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback on NanoFlorida 2023 through submission of this survey: (https://forms.gle/CCZWEutDKWy3WWg78). Survey responses will help improve future NanoFlorida conferences and provide support for future funding opportunities.
We wish you all the best and do stay tuned to receive updates on NanoFlorida 2024, which will be held as a joint collaboration between Florida State University and Florida A&M University.

Students wanting more information on travel & travel reimbursements, please email NanoFlorida@ucf.edu
Conference Email: NanoFlorida@ucf.edu

Hotel & Travel
For more travel and hotel information, please check out the picture for more details