Membership of the International Academy of Nanotechnology is open to persons who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting and encouraging education and research with respect to nanomedicine and biotechnology. There are currently four categories of membership:
Fellows shall be chosen from members who have made substantial contributions to the fields listed above and have been members for at least 2 years.
Regular Members shall be limited to scientists who are actively engaged in research or practice as documented by a significant number of publications in referred journals.
Associate Members shall be students with at least one year minimum of graduate work and strong letters of support from faculty familiar with their research. *Category is intended for Students and Postdoctoral Scholars.
Affiliate Members shall include individuals interested in Society objectives but who do not meet the requirements for another membership category.
Annual Dues for FAN are (U.S. Dollars): $100 for Fellows; $60 for Regular; $25 for Associate (Student); and $200 for Affiliate (industry partners) members. Dues will be collected annually, beginning March 1st.