About Us​​
The State of Florida has been a hub for the life sciences (~1,000 companies), with an annual investment of ~$1 billion in life sciences (NSF data). Florida currently ranks 2nd for FDA registered medical devices; 3rd for pharmaceutical & manufacturing businesses; 6th for bioscience employment; 21st of the world’s largest economies (Ent Florida, 2014); 3rd for academic patents/1,000 science and engineering (S&E) (NSF, 2014; Shaffer and Wright, 2010); 10th for SBIR awards over the last five years (www.sbir.gov); 23rd in High Tech Corridor: 4th top high-tech hubs in the country for open high-tech jobs (Bright Labs, 2012); and 4th for number of startups (1,000+), ~300 tech-based industries (Startup America Partnership). There is dire need for technically skilled work force in the State of Florida. To satisfy these needs, FAN was created with a Steering Committee with experts from different universities and institutes. The membership of FAN is open to scientists from Florida, but also from USA and other countries. The FAN is deemed to be Florida non-profit organization supported by its members and by donations.
The FAN is a society composed of basic and translational nano-bio technologists who utilize a variety of nanoscale sciences and technologies to better understand the way the nano-bio systems function and establish new methods or application of human welfare. In this regard, member scientists employ nano-biotechnology and nano-energy and environment sciences and biotechnology, and other approaches.
In 2008, the FAN was first conceived in an effort to provide an interactive forum for students and scientists to discuss their data and important issues in these fields in a forum of an Annual Nanoflorida Conference. The FAN was established to take Nanoflorida conferences to the next level, given the importance of this and is expected to be composed of over 250 members, primarily from academia and industry. As a society, this group was formed to provide leadership in the area of education with an emphasis on training and education of young investigators. Also, the FAN can provide input to the Florida scientific infrastructure.